Prof. em. Dr. Lucas Bretschger

Prof. em. Dr. Lucas Bretschger
Professor Emeritus at the Department of Management, Technology, and Economics
- Work phone +41 44 632 21 92
- phone +41 44 632 03 87 Secretariat(Sec.)
- contactsV-Card (vcf, 1kb)
Swiss and French Citizen.
Updates at external page Personal webpage
Book Draft: Economics of Sustainable Development, CER-ETH Press, Zurich 2023, external page FREE VIEW AND DOWNLOAD
Book on Greening Economy, Graying Society, CER-ETH Press, Zurich 2018. Download FREE DOWNLOAD. (PDF, 1.1 MB) external page Book Presentation(1st Edition). Order a free hard copy via email to . Chinese version: Peking University Press.
Keynote lectures:
- SURED conference, Ascona, Switzerland, June 2024
- Atlantic Workshop on Energy and Environmental Economics, June 2022, A Toxa, Spain, external page Video
- Mannheim Conference on Energy and the Environment, June 2022, Mannheim Germany
- Conference Environmental Economics: a Focus on Natural Resources, September 2020, Orléans France.
- Annual Conference 2019 of external page EAERE in Manchester. Download Lecture slides. (PDF, 4.2 MB) external page Video
- Annual Conference 2019 of external page EAAERE in Beijing. external page Picture
Conferences: Tenth anniversary SURED conference 2022, Fourth and Fifth EAERE-ETH Winterschool 2023
external page Interview with Lucas Bretschger on research, policy, and the future of resource economics.
2. Other Positions and Honors
- 1983-1984 Financial Analyst at Zürcher Kantonalbank
- 1985-1994 Research Fellow at University of Zurich
- 1990-1991 Visiting Fellow at Princeton University
- 1994-1998 Visiting Professor at the Universities of Konstanz, La Paz, and Greifswald
- 1999-2002 Full Professor at the University of Greifswald, Chair of Economics: Growth and Trade
- 2002- Title of Professor at the University of Zurich
- 2005-2007 Head of the co-founded Department of Management, Technology, and Economics (MTEC) at ETH Zurich
- 2008- Associated Chair at the Centre for Energy Policy and Economics (CEPE)
- 2009- External Research Associate at OxCarre, University of Oxford, UK
- 2009-2019 Member of the Swiss Delegation at the UNFCCC Climate Change Conferences COP 15 (Copenhagen), COP 17 (Durban), COP 20 (Lima), COP 21 (Paris), COP 23 (Bonn) and COP 25 (Madrid).
- 2010-2012 Head of the German Board of Environmental and Resource Economics (AURÖ)
- 2011-2014, 2019- Managing Director of CER-ETH, Center of Economic Research at ETH Zurich
- 2014-2019 Member of the Council of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE)
- 2015- Full Member of SATW - Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences
- 2016-2017 Member of the Managing Editorial Board of Environmental and Resource Economics
- 2016-2017 President of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE)
- 2019 EAERE Fellow Award
- 2021 Nomination for the Art of Leadership Award (ALEA) at ETH Zurich
- 2021 Golden Owl teaching award of ETH
3. Working Papers (Links)
- L. Bretschger, E. Komarov, M. Leuthard (2023): Overcoming the Carbon Trap: Climate Policy and Technology Tipping, Economics Working Paper Series 23/386, ETH Zurich.
- L. Bretschger, E. Komarov (2023): All Inclusive Climate Policy in a Growing Economy: The Role of Human Health, Economics Working Paper Series 23/384, ETH Zurich.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2022): external page Green Road is Open: Economic Pathway with a Carbon Price Escalator, Economics Working Paper Series 22/375, ETH Zurich.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Ara Jo (2021): Complementarity between labor and energy: A firm-level analysis, Economics Working Paper Series 21/364, ETH Zurich.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Elise Grieg (2019): Exiting the fossil world: The effects of fuel taxation in the UK, Economics Working Paper Series 19/332, ETH Zurich.
4. Publications (links)
- Bretschger, Lucas and Ara Jo (2024): Complementarity between labor and energy: A firm-level analysis, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, forthcoming.
- Brausmann, Alexandra and Lucas Bretschger (2024): Escaping Damocles’ Sword: Endogenous Climate Shocks in a Growing Economy, Environmental and Resource Economics, forthcoming.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2024): external page Energy Transition and Climate Change Abatement: A Macroeconomic Analysis, Resource and Energy Economics, 76, 101423.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Simone Valente (2023): external page Effective Policy Design for a Sustainable Economy, European Economic Review,
- Bretschger, Lucas and Matthias Leuthard (2023): external page Die Bedeutung von Kipppunkten für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, DOI: 10.1515/pwp-2022-0031.
- Borissov, Kirill and Lucas Bretschger (2022): external page Optimal Carbon Policies in a Dynamic Heterogenous World, European Economic Review, 148, 104253.
- Borissov, Kirill, Lucas Bretschger, Aleksey Minabutdinov (2022): external page The capital tax paradox in a greening economy, International Economics and Economic Policy, 19: 315–329.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Susanne Soretz (2022): external page Stranded Assets: How Policy Uncertainty affects Capital, Growth, and the Environment, Environmental and Resource Economics, 83/2: 261-288.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2021): external page Getting the Costs of Environmental Protection Right: Why Climate Policy is Inexpensive in the End, Ecological Economics, 188, 107116,
- Bretschger, Lucas (2020): external page Malthus in the Light of Climate Change, European Economic Review, 127, 103477,
- Bretschger, Lucas and Karen Pittel (2020): external page Twenty Key Challenges in Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics, 77: 725–750.
- Bretschger, Lucas, Elise Grieg, Paul Welfens, Tian Xiong (2020): external page COVID-19 Infections and Fatalities Developments: Empirical Evidence for OECD Countries and Newly Industrialized Economies, International Economics and Economic Policy, 17: 801–847.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Alexandra Vinogradova (2019): external page Best Policy Response to Environmental Shocks: Building a Stochastic Framework, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 97: 23-41.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Christos Karydas (2019): external page Economics of Climate Change: Introducing the Basic Climate Economic (BCE) Model, Environment and Development Economics, 24(6): 560-582.
- Borissov, Kirill, Alexandra Brausmann and Lucas Bretschger (2019): external page Carbon Pricing, Technology Transition, and Skill-Based Development, European Economic Review, 118: 252-269.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Aimilia Pattakou (2019): external page As Bad as it Gets: How Climate Damage Functions Affect Growth and the Social Cost of Carbon, Environmental and Resource Economics, 72 (1): 5–26.
- Landis, Florian, Adriana Marcucci, Sebastian Rausch, Kannan Ramachandran, Lucas Bretschger (2019): external page Multi-Model Comparison of Swiss Decarbonization Scenarios, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 155: 12.
- Brausmann, Alexandra and Lucas Bretschger (2018): external page Economic Development on a Finite Planet with Stochastic Soil Degradation, European Economic Review 108: 1-19.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Simone Valente (2018): external page Productivity Gaps and Tax Policies Under Asymmetric Trade, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 22 (6): 1391-1427.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2018): Download Greening Economy, Graying Society (PDF, 1.1 MB), Second Edition, CER-ETH Press, ETH Zurich, Zurich.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Christos Karydas (2018): external page Optimum Growth and Carbon Policies with Lags in the Climate System, Environmental and Resource Economics, 70(4): 807-834.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Filippo Lechthaler (2018): external page Stock Performance and Economic Growth: Lessons from the Japanese Case, Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies, 11(2): 195-217.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Sjak Smulders (2018): external page Taking time for the environment – on timing and the role of delays in environmental and resource economics, Environmental and Resource Economics, 70(4): 731-736.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Andreas Schaefer (2017): external page Dirty history versus clean expectations: Can energy policies provide momentum for growth? European Economic Review, 99: 170-190.
- Bretschger, Lucas, Max Meulemann and Anna Stuenzi (2017): external page Climate Policy Based on the Paris Agreement, Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Lin Zhang (2017): external page Carbon policy in a high-growth economy: The case of China, Resource and Energy Economics, 47: 1–19.
- Bommier, Antoine, Lucas Bretschger and Francois Le Grand (2017): external page Existence of Equilibria in Exhaustible Resource Markets with Economies of Scale and Inventories, Economic Theory, 63(3), 687-721.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2017): external page Climate Policy and Economic Growth, Resource and Energy Economics, 49: 1-15.
- Bretschger, Lucas, Filippo Lechthaler, Sebastian Rausch, and Lin Zhang (2017): external page Knowledge Diffusion, Endogenous Growth, and the Costs of Global Climate Policy, European Economic Review, 93: 47–72.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2017): external page Is the Environment Compatible with Growth? Adopting an Integrated Framework, Annual Review of Resource Economics, 9: 185-207.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Alexandra Vinogradova (2017): external page Human Development at Risk: Economic Growth with Pollution-Induced Health Shocks, Environmental and Resource Economics, 66/3: 481-495.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2017): external page Equity and the Convergence of Nationally Determined Climate Policies, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 19/1: 1–14.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Lin Zhang (2017): external page Nuclear phase-out under stringent climate policies: A dynamic macroeconomic analysis, The Energy Journal, 38/1: 167-194.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Alexandra Vinogradova (2015): external page Equitable and effective climate policy: Integrating less developed countries into a global climate agreement, International Economics and Economic Policy, 12/4: 437–467.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2015): Download Greening Economy, Graying Society (PDF, 983 KB), CER-ETH Press, ETH Zurich, Zurich.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2015): external page Energy Prices, Growth, and the Channels in Between: Theory and Evidence, Resource and Energy Economics, 39: 29–52.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Nujin Suphaphiphat (2014): external page Effective Climate Policies in a Dynamic North-South Model, European Economic Review, 69: 59-77.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2014): external page Environment and Development, Achievements and Challenges in Climate Economics, Environment and Development Economics, 19/3: 292-294. Download Author's copy (PDF, 333 KB).
- Bretschger, Lucas and Sjak Smulders (2014): external page Sustainability and climate change: From theory to pragmatic policy, European Economic Review, 69: 1-3.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Alexandra Vinogradova (2014): Download Dynamic Behavior of Oil Importers and Exporters under Uncertainty (PDF, 242 KB), in: Moser, Elke, Willi Semmler, Gernot Tragler, and Vladimir Veliov (Eds.): Dynamic Optimization in Environmental Economics, Chapter 9: 195-214, Springer.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2013): external page Climate Policy and Equity Principles: Fair Burden Sharing in a Dynamic World, Environment and Development Economics, 18: 517–536. Download Author's copy (PDF, 635 KB).
- Bretschger, Lucas and Thomas M. Steger (2013): external page Globalization, the Volatility of Intermediate Goods Prices, and Economic Growth, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 17/2: 402-430.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2013): external page Population Growth and Natural Resource Scarcity: Long-Run Development under Seemingly Unfavourable Conditions, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 115/3: 722–755.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Sjak Smulders (2012): external page Challenges for a Sustainable Resource Use: Uncertainty, Trade, and Climate Policies, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 64/3: 279-287.
- Bretschger, Lucas, Vivien Kappel and Therese Werner (2012): external page Market Concentration and the Likelihood of Financial Crises, Journal of Banking and Finance, 36/12: 3336–3345.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Sjak Smulders (2012): external page Sustainability and Substitution of Exhaustible Natural Resources; How Resource Prices Affect Long-Term R&D-Investments, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 36 (4): 536–549.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Simone Valente (2012): external page Endogenous Growth, Asymmetric Trade and Resource Dependence, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 64/3: 301-311.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Roger Ramer (2012): Download Sectoral Growth Effects of Energy Policies in an Increasing-Varieties Model of the Swiss Economy (PDF, 752 KB), Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 148/2, 137-166.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Simone Valente (2011): external page Climate Change and Uneven Development , Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 113 (4): 825-845.
- Bretschger, Lucas, Roger Ramer and Florentine Schwark (2011): external page Growth Effects of Carbon Policies: Applying a Fully Dynamic CGE model with Heterogeneous Capital, Resource and Energy Economics, 33 (4): 963-980.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Simone Valente (2011): external page International Trade and Net Investment: Theory and Evidence, International Economics and Economic Policy, 8: 197-224.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Sjak Smulders (2011): external page Technologies, Preferences, and Policies for a Sustainable Use of Natural Resources, Resource and Energy Economics, 33 (4): 881-892.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2011): Sustainability Economics, Resource Efficiency, and the Green New Deal, in: Bleischwitz, Raimund; Welfens, Paul J.J.; Zhang, ZhongXiang (Eds.): external page International Economics of Resource Efficiency, Eco-Innovation Policies for a Green Economy , 1st Edition, Physica, Heidelberg: 3-18.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Simone Valente (2011): external page International Economics and Natural Resources: From Theory to Policy, International Economics and Economic Policy, 8:115–120.
- Smulders, Sjak, Lucas Bretschger and Hannes Egli (2011): external page Economic Growth and the Diffusion of Clean Technologies: Explaining Environmental Kuznets Curves, Environmental and Resource Economics, 49 (1): 79-99. Download Publication award (PDF, 89 KB).
- Bretschger, Lucas and Christa Brunnschweiler (2010): Download The Swiss Approach to Sustainability. Challenges for environmental, energy, land use, and transport policies (PDF, 285 KB), in: Ernst Baltensperger, Dirk Niepelt, Boris Zürcher (Eds.), Wirtschaftspolitik nach der Krise, Study Center Gerzensee: 149-166.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2010): external page Sustainability Economics, Resource Efficiency, and the Green New Deal, International Economics and Economic Policy, 7: 187–202.
- Pittel, Karen and Lucas Bretschger (2010): external page The Implications of Heterogeneous Resource Intensities on Technical Change and Growth, Canadian Journal of Economics, 43 (4): 1173–1197.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2010): external page Taxes, Mobile Capital, and Economic Dynamics in a Globalizing World, Journal of Macroeconomics, 32(3): 594-605.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Karen Pittel (2008): Download From Time Zero to Infinity: Transitional and Long-run Dynamics in Capital Resource Economies (PDF, 113 KB), Environment and Development Economics, 13: 673-689.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Sjak Smulders (2007): external page Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics, Springer, Dordrecht.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Sjak Smulders (2007): Download Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics (PDF, 235 KB), Environmental and Resource Economics, 36 (1): 1-13.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2005): external page Economics of Technological Change and the Natural Environment: How Effective are Innovations as a Remedy for Resource Scarcity?, Ecological Economics, 54 (2-3): 148-163.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Karen Pittel (2005): external page Innovative Investments, Natural Resources and Intergenerational Fairness: Are Pension Funds Good For Sustainable Development?, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 141 (3): 355-376.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Frank Hettich (2005): Download Globalization and International Tax Competition: Empirical Evidence Based on Effective Tax Rates (PDF, 359 KB), Journal of Economic Integration, 20 (3): 530-542.
- Audretsch, David, Lucas Bretschger and Paul J.J. Welfens (2004): external page Economic Integration, Innovative Dynamics, and Growth, International Economics and Economic Policy, 1 (2-3): 111-117.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2004): external page Wachstumstheorie, Wolls Lehr- und Handbücher der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, 3. Auflage, external page Oldenbourg Verlag, München.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Thomas M. Steger (2004): Download The Dynamics of Economic Integration: Theory and Policy (PDF, 325 KB), International Economics and Economic Policy, 1 (2-3): 119-134.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2002): Wachstumstheoretische Perspektiven der Wirtschaftsintegration: Neuere Ansätze, external page Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 222(1): 64-79.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Frank Hettich (2002): external page Globalisation, Capital Mobility and Tax Competition: Theory and Evidence for OECD Countries, European Journal of Political Economy, 18(4): 695-716.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2001): Internationaler Handel im Ostseeraum - sozioökonomische Hintergründe, In H. Heiss (Hrsg.): Brückenschlag zwischen den Rechtskulturen des Ostseeraums, Tübingen: external page Mohr Siebeck, 189 - 208.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2001): external page Labor Supply, Migration and Long-Term Development, Open Economies Review, 12(1): 5-27.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2001): external page On the Predictability of Knowledge Formation: the Tortuous Link Between Regional Specialisation and Development, Journal of Economics, 73(3): 247-274.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Hannes Egli (2001): Sustainable Growth in Open Economies. In Günther Schulze / Heinrich Ursprung (eds.): external page International Environmental Economics: A Survey of the Issues, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2000): external page Formation et diffusion du savoir, globalisation et spécialisation régionale, Revue Région et Développement, 11: 53-82.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2000): Download Konvergenz der europäischen Regionen (PDF, 238 KB), Diskussionspapier 2/2000 der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald.
- Bretschger, Lucas (1999):Dynamik der realwirtschaftlichen Integration am Beispiel der EU-Osterweiterung, external page Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 218(3/4): 276-293
- Bretschger, Lucas (1999): Dynamische Partizipation am Weltmarkt durch Handel und steuerfinanzierte Forschungsförderung. In J.L. Arni / G. Ganguillet (Hrsg.): Festschrift für P. Bohley, Rüegger Verlag, Zürich.
- Bretschger, Lucas (1999): Growth Theory and Sustainable Development, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. Download Book Review published by The Economic Journal (PDF, 24 KB).
- Bretschger, Lucas (1999): external page Knowledge Diffusion and the Development of Regions, Annals of Regional Science, 33(3):251-268.
- Bretschger, Lucas / H. Schmidt (1999): external page Converging on the Learning Curve: Theory and Application to German Regional Data, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv / Review of World Economics, 135(2): 261-279
- Bretschger, Lucas (1998): external page How to Substitute in Order to Sustain: Knowledge Driven Growth Under Environmental Restrictions, Environment and Development Economics, 3(4): 425-442
- Bretschger, Lucas (1998): external page Nachhaltige Entwicklung der Weltwirtschaft: Ein Nord/Süd-Ansatz, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik 3: 369-390.
- Bretschger, Lucas (1998): external page The Sustainability Paradigm: A Macroeconomic Perspective, Revue Région et Développement 7: 73-103
- Bretschger, Lucas (1997): Eine makroökonomische Synthese zur Dynamik der realwirtschaftlichen Integration, Forschungsbericht 9706 des Europa-Instituts an der Universität des Saarlandes.
- Bretschger, Lucas (1997): Integration und langfristige Wirtschaftsentwicklung, external page Oldenbourg Verlag, München.
- Bretschger, Lucas (1997): external page International Trade, Knowledge Diffusion, and Growth, International Trade Journal, 11(3): 327-348
- Bretschger, Lucas (1995): Weltweite Investitionsnachfrage, internationale Kapitalströme und langfristiger Zinstrend, Zürcher Kantonalbank (Hrsg.), Zürich
- Bretschger, Lucas / Ph. Halbherr / A. Killias / C. Koellreuter / B. Meili / R. Peter (1995): Wirtschaftsstandort Zürich, Wettbewerbsfähigkeit heute und morgen; Regierungsrat des Kantons Zürich und Zürcher Kantonalbank (Hrsg.), Zürich
- Bretschger, Lucas (1993): external page Migration und internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit; Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik 3: 473-489
- Bretschger, Lucas / I. Buse / S. Mäder / H. Schelbert / R. Schleiniger (1993): Saubere Luft im Kanton Zürich, Leitlinie für eine effiziente Luftreinhaltepolitik, Zürcher Kantonalbank (Hrsg.), Zürich
- Bretschger, Lucas (1988): Anpassungsmodelle für die schweizerische Exportindustrie; Dynamische Marktentwicklungen im Exportsektor der Schweiz aus neokeynesianischer Sicht; Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung 16, Verlag Schellenberg, Winterthur.
- Bretschger, Lucas (1989): external page Eine neokeynesianische Analyse der schweizerischen Exportmärkte; Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik 1: 67-87
- Bretschger, Lucas (1989): external page Regimeabhängige Konjunkturdynamik in einer offenen Volkswirtschaft: das Beispiel der Schweiz; Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik 3: 309-326
- Bretschger, Lucas (1989): Wettbewerbsstrategien und relative Einkommensentwicklung, eine Analyse auf aggregierter und desaggregierter Ebene für die Schweiz; Sonderbericht 180 der Konjunkturforschungsstelle an der ETH Zürich, Zurich
5. Policy and Pedagogical Contributions
- Bretschger, Lucas (2023): external page Coal is the most powerful climate poison, To Vima 29.1.2023
- Bretschger, Lucas (2022): external page Das Prinzip der Nachhaltigkeit - eine Selbstverständlichkeit? Bergrede Witikon, 4.12.2022
- Bretschger, Lucas (2020): external page Wer nicht bereit ist, hat verloren,Tages Anzeiger, 15.3.2020
- Bretschger, Lucas, Thomas Vellacott, Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, Ivo Wallimann-Helmer (2019): external page Die Welt am Abgrund, Wenkenhofgespräche, 23.5.2019. external page Video.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2018): external page Baumeister der Klimapolitik: Sie kann zu einer Art Selbstläufer werden, Schweiz am Wochenende, 2. Dezember 2018.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2017): external page How to Master the Climate Labyrinth, Diplomatic Courier, May 24, 2017.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2015): external page To get a climate agreement, first set out principles for fair cost-sharing, The Economist, November.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2015): external page Climate policy: Prices versus equity, VOX CEPR's Policy Portal.
- Bretschger, Lucas and Janick C. Mollet (2015): Prices vs. equity in international climate policy: A broad perspective, Economics Working Paper Series 15/211, ETH Zurich.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2012): Download Climate Policy and Equity Principles: Fair Burden Sharing in a Dynamic World (PDF, 339 KB), CER-ETH Policy Brief Series 12/6.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2012): Download Zu viele Ressourcen können auch ein Fluch sein (PDF, 127 KB), NZZ (Neue Zürcher Zeitung), 29. November 2012.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2012): Download Energie und Ökonomie, Auswirkungen von politischen Massnahmen auf Wirtschaft und Energiezukunft (PDF, 412 KB), Tagungsband 12. Holzenergie-Symposium, ETH Zürich.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2012): Download Grünes Wachstum: Die Armen dürfen nicht unsere Fehler machen (PDF, 200 KB), TA (Tages Anzeiger), Wissen, 15. Juni 2012.
- Andersson, Göran, Konstantinos Boulouchos und Lucas Bretschger (2011): Download Energiezukunft Schweiz, ETH Zürich.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2011): external page Rostoffpreisentwicklung und Wirkungen auf das Potenzialwachstum, Die Volkswirtschaft, Juni 2011, Bern, p. 35.
- Bretschger, Lucas und Lisa Leinert (2010): external page Preisentwicklung bei natürlichen Ressourcen, Die Volkswirtschaft, November 2010, Bern, p. 4-7.
- Bretschger, Lucas, Roger Ramer and Florentine Schwark (2010): external page Impact of Energy Conservation Policy Measures on Innovation, Investment and Long-term Development of the Swiss Economy; Results from the Computable Induced Technical Change and Energy (CITE) Model, Final Report prepared for the Swiss Federal Office Of Energy, Bern.
- Bretschger, Lucas und Florentine Schwark (2010): external page Klimapolitik und langfristige Wirtschaftsentwicklung, Published online at "Ökonomenstimme", July 2010.
- Bretschger, Lucas, Roger Ramer and Florentine Schwark (2010): Download How rich is the 2000-Watt-society? (PDF, 1.5 MB), March 2010.
- Bretschger, Lucas et al. (2010): external page Preisentwicklung bei natürlichen Ressourcen: Vergleich von Theorie und Empirie, Umwelt-Wissen, Nr. 1001. Bundesamt für Umwelt, Bern.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2009): Energie und Wohlstand, in: Energie, Rudolf von Rohr, P. et al. (Hrsg), vdf Hochschulverlag, Zürich, p. 127 - 142.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2009): Download Energie et croissance, Lettre de l'AFSE, Nr. 74, p. 15 - 18.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2008): Download Ressourcenknappheit, Innovation und nachhaltige Entwicklung (PDF, 343 KB), Volkswirtschaft, 9/2008.
- Swiss Financial Center Watch (2007): Download The Swiss Financial Centre as a Value-Added System, Monitoring Report.
- Swiss Financial Center Watch (2007): external page Portrait des Finanzplatzes Schweiz, Schlussbericht 2007.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2005): Download Die Nachhaltigkeitsdebatte krankt an zu viel Beliebigkeit. Zentrale Erkenntnisse der Ökonomie zur langfristigen Entwicklung (PDF, 160 KB)., NZZ (Neue Zürcher Zeitung), Themen und Thesen der Wirtschaft, 30. April / 1. Mai 2005, p. 31.
- Bretschger, Lucas (2000): Download Die fiskalischen Folgen der Globalisierung; Differenzierte Wirkungen des Steuerwettbewerbs (PDF, 28 KB), NZZ (Neue Zürcher Zeitung), 9. November 2000, p. 27.
- Bretschger, Lucas / P. Klaus (1998): Werkplatz Stadt Zürich; Analysen, Hintergründe und Perspektiven für den Industriesektor, im Auftrag des Stadtpräsidiums der Stadt Zürich, Universität Zürich
- Bretschger, Lucas (1997): Download Neat - weniger wäre mehr (PDF, 16 KB), Tages-Anzeiger, 21. November 1997, p. 34.
- Bretschger, Lucas (1996): Download Sind Nachhaltigkeit und wirtschaftliche Prosperität vereinbar? Substitution natürlicher Ressourcen durch Humankapital (PDF, 20 KB), NZZ (Neue Zürcher Zeitung), 29. Mai 1996, p. 25.
- Bretschger, Lucas (1993): Neue Wachstumstheorie, wf-Dokumentation 93/3 zur Wirtschaftskunde, Gesellschaft zur Förderung der schweizerischen Wirtschaft, Zürich
6. Editorial, Referee and Expert Work
- Editorial Board of International Economics and Economic Policy
- Guest Editor for Environmental and Resource Economics
- Guest Editor for International Economics and Economic Policy
- Guest Editor for Environment and Development Economics
- Guest Editor for Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
- Guest Editor for Resource and Energy Economics
- Guest Editor for European Economic Review
For all major field and most major general-interest journals
For many national and international funding bodies and agencies
7. Committees and Membership
- Member of the external page SNF Eccellenza Evaluation Committee
- Member of the external page Committee MOPGA - Make Our Planet Great Again
- Member of the Council of the external page European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE)
- Vice-President of the Foundation Council of CCRS, external page Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability at the University of Zurich, -2021
- Member of external page CESifo Research Network
- Member of external page Ausschuss für Aussenwirtschaftstheorie und -politik des Vereins für Socialpolitik
- Member of external page Ausschuss für Umwelt- und Ressourcenökonomie des Vereins für Socialpolitik
- Member of the Scientific Board of Congressi Stefano Franscini (Monte Verità)
- Member of the Board of the Association of Federal Executives, Scientific and Senior Staff (VKB Zurich Section)
- Member of the Foundation Council and Executive Committee of the external page Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) 2007-2015
- Member of the external page OcCC (Advisory Body on Climate Change of the Swiss government), 2006-2012
- Member of the Board of ESC (Energy Science Center), 2007-2011
- Visiting Professor at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonnne 2008
- President of the Programme Committee of CCRS, external page Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability at the University of Zurich, 2004-2008
- Member of the Management Committee of CCES, Competence Center Environment and Sustainability, 2006-2008
- Member of the Strategy Commission of AGS, Alliance for Global Sustainability, 2004-2008
8. Organized Conferences
- SURED 2022, Monte Verità Conference on Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics, June 2022.
- EAERE-ETH Winterschool 2022 on Resource Rich Economies, Monte Verità, January 2021
- SURED 2020, Monte Verità Conference on Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics, October 19-22, 2020.
- EAERE-ETH Winterschool 2020 on Spatial Environmental Economics, Monte Verità, January 26-31, 2020
- EAERE-ETH Winterschool 2019 on Energy Transition, Monte Verità, January 27-February 1, 2019
- SURED 2018, Monte Verità Conference on Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics, June 3-7, 2018.
- EAERE-ETH Winterschool 2018 on Dynamics and Uncertainty, Monte Verità, January 28-February 2, 2018.
- external page EAERE 2016, Annual Congress of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, June 22-15, 2016.
- SURED 2014, Monte Verità Conference on Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics, June 9-12, 2014.
- Ausschuss für Umwelt- und Ressourcenökonomie: Jahrestagung 2013 an der ETH Zürich.
- SURED 2012, Monte Verità Conference on Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics, June 4-7, 2012.
- SURED 2010, Monte Verità Conference on Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics, June 7-10, 2010.
- RESEC Winterschool, Ascona, January 26-30, 2010.
- Ausschuss für Aussenwirtschaftstheories und -politik: Jahrestagung 2009 an der ETH Zürich.
- SURED 2008, Monte Verità Conference on Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics, June 2-5, 2008.
- Workshop "Umwelt- und Ressourcenökonomik" für NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen, Zurich, February 26-27, 2007.
- SURED 2006, Monte Verità Conference on Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics, June 5-9, 2006.
- MTEC Symposium 2006, Inaugural Workshop for the Department of Management, Technology, and Economics, November 3, 2006.
- Annual Conference 2005 of the Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics on Resource Economics, Technology, and Sustainable Development, Zurich, March 17-18, 2005.
- SURED 2004, Monte Verità Conference on Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics , June 6-10, 2004.
- Workshop "Economic Integration, Innovation Dynamics and Growth", Brussels, February 6-8, 2004.